All Homeowner Stories

Gloria on the front steps of her home.

Gloria is a gracious mother and grandmother, having lived in her house for 35 years alongside her late husband, John...

Candida takes in the day awaiting the volunteers with her dog.

“It’s a brand-new life again, I am working and doing things outside and around the house... You have given me a new...

Alice, a Town of Poughkeepsie homeowner.


The impact we make in the communities we serve.

Our commitment continues to deepen the relationships...

Homeowners John and Susan on Fall Rebuilding Day.

John and Susan had seen news articles about Rebuilding Together Dutchess County several times in the past and were...

United Methodist Church of Hyde Park volunteers

When writing homeowner stories, we typically ask the homeowners questions and then assemble the story ourselves....

Consigli volunteers repairing the front walk


“Back in our day, Pine Plains boys often married Red Hook girls.” That, in a nut shell, is how Bob and...

The American Legion Post 426 in Pine Plains


Rebuilding Together Dutchess County (RTDC) is known for helping neighbors in need. But this isn’t limited...


After placing our programs on hold for three months due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have [Re]Started! With...

Homeowner Michele in front of her front door.



“It was the best gift I could have ever received.”...

Bill in front of his front door.


“I'd recommend these services to anyone, and I want more people to...

Homeowners AnnMarie and Lee Baker with Christina Boryk, Executive Director of RTDC


“It's making my life easier, safer, and healthier.”


“This is a big thing for us, I just have to pinch myself to remind myself it...